
Transition is defined by the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. The famous cliche' one chapter closes, another opens, and this is exactly where I am today.  For the last three years I have worked for an excellent company making really fun and amazing artworks based on the nostalgia of our childhood. I've had an absolute blast working with the employee's there, the amazingly talented artists they represent, and with you guys out there the fans!  

My new gig will be as the Production Coordinator for Quantum Mechanix. On this site I'll be chronicling releases, and News updates as they come, but I can not be more excited. If you are unfamiliar with this new company, go check out the website here. These guys are more well known for their realistic Ship Models, but they do all sorts of amazing things. One of the things that excites me most is the idea of Geek/Nerd culture becoming more of a lifestyle. Everyone is so oddly specific with the things that truly make them happy, which is great! Go strongly and confidently into what makes you happy, and I aim to make something fun to collect for it! Whatever you're into there should be a resource for it! 

Over the upcoming year, this blog will showcase items of all calibers to showcase lifestyle. Releases from poster friends, toy's that are upcoming, art showcases, and all things that can be fun for you! Please keep on coming by, and I'll keep showing you the things I truly find to be rad in this world.

Thank you guys as always for your support, and for just stopping by.   
