Casita View
This image was taken from where I was fortunate enough to stay. This beautiful part of Akumal was absolutely breathtaking. From the crystal clear waters, to the lush forest surrounding. Tough to describe in words.

Front of the House
This image was taken from the front part of the house. I felt I could not capture in just one image, so I stitched many together to create this panoramic.

General Store
This was where we could buy supplies, newspapers, or whatever we needed really. A bit of local flavor.

Policia On Patrol
While it's a very safe area, there are Police and private security patrolling the area. The Cartels still came round the area, but much less than others from what we were told.

Turtle Nest
This area is known for it's turtle migration every year. They are protected on this beach so some families ensure the safety of the nests.

To Tulum
Unfortunately we did not have time on this trip to hit Tulum, but next time for sure!

Trucks entering the Highway.
As we were driving around, there was machinery and other big things entering the highway as if it's no big deal.

Scuba Diving
This was one of the most peaceful areas I have ever been to. Just incredibly serene with statues spread about in the forest surrounding.